Shipped by FedEX

Shipped by FedEX


Access the lowest shipping from USA to Lebanon at a flat rate of $16/kg

Sign up for free and instantly get your new SkyShip address in your email inbox. Check the FAQ page for more detailed information on tracking, Customs & VAT fees, and list of hazardous materials and banned goods.


0% USA Sales Tax

Free Package Consolidation

Real Weight Charges

We charge based on the real weight of your package up to 182cm (length+width+height). If dimensions are larger, you will be charged by volumetric or real weight (whichever is higher)

100% Insured Shipments

Pricing Examples

See pricing examples of products you may ship from online stores in USA to Lebanon.


Supplements 0.5kgShipping Rate: $8 


Clothing Items 1kgShipping Rate: $16


Sneakers 1.5kgShipping Rate: $24

Customer Support

Our team is happy to assist you with any questions or inquiries.

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+961 76 933 148