Shipped by FedEX

Shipped by FedEX

How It Works

5 Easy Steps to shop USA stores and ship to Lebanon with your SkyShip address.

Start by signing up for free and instantly get your new SkyShip address in your email inbox. Check the FAQ page for more detailed information.

Step 1
Get Address

Sign up and get a USA Sales Tax-Free address.

Step 2
Start Shopping

Shop from your favorite USA online stores and ship to your new address at checkout.

Step 3
Track Package

Receive tracking emails once the package arrives at your SkyShip address.


Step 4
Receive Package

We will call you once your package arrives to Lebanon to arrange for delivery at your door.

Step 5
Cash on Delivery

Pay when you receive your package at your door.


Step 1: Get a USA Sales Tax-Free Address

Sign up with our easy online form and instantly receive an email with your personal USA Sales Tax-Free address.


Step 2: Start Shopping 

Start shopping from USA online stores and enter your address at checkout.


Step 3: Track Package

Receive a tracking email once the package arrives at your SkyShip address. If you have multiple packages they will be auto-consolidated (only if they arrive within 2-3 days of each other) and then shipped out to Lebanon. 


Step 4: Receive Package

Receive a tracking email when your package arrives to Lebanon along with the final invoice. We will call to arrange for home delivery at your convenience or you may pick it up at our office in Sin-El-Fil


Step 5: Cash on Delivery

Shipping, customs, VAT & clearance fees are paid cash on delivery when you receive the package.
● Shipping Fees to be paid in USD● Customs, VAT & Clearance fees to be paid in LBP

Customer Support

Our team is happy to assist you with any questions or inquiries.

Email Us


Call Us

+961 76 933 148